Argyle Canyon is located 77 miles from Center St. Orem.  It is located in DuchesneAerial 100 mile up Marked up.jpg (411895 bytes) County via Helper.  The Lots are 10 Acres in size.  They are Plat D Section 13 & 14 Argyle Canyon Estates.

Lots 207 & 208 are $15,000.  They extend from the road to the bottom of the valley and up the other side.  They have a large number of trees.  The lots have a small stream in the bottom that the owners believe runs year around. 

Lots 187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,197 and 198 are $10,000  They vary from heavy foliage to almost none.    The long range views are better than the less expensive lots.  

All of the pictures  and boundaries are approximate                  and should be verified

Plat Highlighted.jpg (1001803 bytes)

All Boundaries are approximate


Lots 207 & 208  $15,000 Each

Pictures are taken around counter clockwise in order around property. These are from 

Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 207-208.jpg (143616 bytes) Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 207-208B.jpg (181421 bytes)

Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 207-208C.jpg (170458 bytes)Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 207-208D.jpg (133613 bytes)Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 207-208E.jpg (183112 bytes)

Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 207-208F.jpg (192132 bytes)Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 207-208G.jpg (168234 bytes)Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 207-208G.jpg (168234 bytes)

Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 207-208H.jpg (167738 bytes)Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 207-208I.jpg (166368 bytes)Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 207-208J.jpg (145410 bytes)

Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 207-208K.jpg (152947 bytes)

The following are actual pictures taken on 3/19/07

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Lots 187-194, 197-198  $10,000 Each

All Boundaries are approximate

Pictures are taken around counter clockwise in order around property

Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 187-198.jpg (174788 bytes)Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 187-198B.jpg (162804 bytes)Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 187-198C.jpg (186749 bytes)

Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 187-198D.jpg (178307 bytes)Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 187-198E.jpg (150799 bytes)Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 187-198F.jpg (153538 bytes)

Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 187-198G.jpg (175199 bytes)Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 187-198H.jpg (153896 bytes)Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 187-198I.jpg (176424 bytes)

Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 187-198K.jpg (149237 bytes)Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 187-198M.jpg (142871 bytes)Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 187-198N.jpg (160957 bytes)

Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 187-198O.jpg (190607 bytes)Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 187-198P.jpg (164088 bytes)Argyle Canyon Aerial Lots 187-198Q.jpg (160113 bytes)

The following are actual pictures taken on 3/19/07

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PHOT0259.JPG (1868173 bytes), is maintained and owned by Rod Fife who is a licensed real estate agent with the State of Utah and is licensed with Equity Real Estate, The Kenny Parcel Team.  Some of the properties are owned by Rod Fife or entities controlled by Rod Fife, but many are owned and listed by other individuals. The information is a service to help better understand what is available and the amenities of property especially in Sanpete County.  Any corrections or suggestions are gladly accepted.

You may contact Rod at  or call or text him at 801-636-3500